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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Violence Against Women on Fox

Yesterday, I shared my thoughts on the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and how it has yet to be reauthorized by Congress since expiring in 2011. Republicans held up its re-authorization for a while before the Presidential election. After that loss, they realized they needed a new strategy, namely going after Latinos, an emerging giant that will be a force to be reckoned with in politics for years to come. I pointed out that Republicans have anointed Ted Cruz, a senator from Texas, and Marco Rubio, senator from Florida, as leaders in the party, charged with the goal of attracting the Latino vote. Unfortunately, these two senators have taken a hard line against VAWA, which is ironic because there are provisions that protect immigrants that really speak to Latino voter interests. I suggested that perhaps their views resulted from macho attitudes that don't consider women fully and with respect. Then I came across this article on Slate that reminded me that violence against women is not just a Latino thing or just political, it is a reality for all women. Bob Beckel, a former adviser to President Jimmy Carter, had the audacity to question whether rapes actually ever occur on college campuses. This despite the sad evidence that 1 in 4 women are victims of attempted sexual assault by the end of college. The worst part is how deeply ingrained the idea that rape and sexual assault can be justified or not that big of a deal in some parts of American culture. I was glad to see that even Fox News panelists called him out on this, but this kind of ignorance shows all the more that women need protection from this foolishness and violence.

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