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About This Blog - FAQ's

What were your reasons for starting The Mexican Intellectual?
One night in 2011, over a couple of beers, we were lamenting the lack of opportunities for academics to be taken seriously as public intellectuals, expressing their viewpoints and engaging big ideas in a somewhat polemical fashion.  Starting a blog seemed like the easiest way to create such an opportunity for ourselves.

Why “Mexican”?

Both of our ancestries originate south of the border, so we want to honor that heritage.  What's more, we each think that our individual lived experiences as an ethnic minority informs our worldviews, providing each of us a special perspective on the topics and ideas we try to engage through our blog.

Why “Intellectual”?

We both are East Coast, over-educated - and thus somewhat pompous and arrogant - academics.  What else would you have us call ourselves?

Who should read The Mexican Intellectual?

Anybody who is seriously or even casually interested in current events, politics, education, immigration, ethnic minorities, pop culture, sports, or just about any topic there is.  Read, enjoy, share, and join the conversation!